26.07–02.08.2022, Chlotisberg, Switzerland or Online

“Darkness accumulated over a thousand eons,
That whole mass of darkness, is dispelled by a single lamp.
Likewise, our own clear-light mind instantly dispels
Ignorance, harm, and obscuration amassed over eons.”


What happens when the principles of tantric enlightenment meet darkness?

How dos the tantric heart and mind deal with challenges and difficult situations in life?

How can ‘negative’ energies we experience be harnessed, used and transformed for spiritual awakening?

All energies that we are able to find internally and externally – including our so-called lower urges or muddy emotions – are spiritual in their essence. Every form of darkness is hidden, contracted light.

This perspective is very different from common and widespread forms of spirituality that recommend detached observation.

Tantra knows the powerful potential that lies in exactly these negative energies. A tantric practitioner is never afraid of negative emotions, traumas, sexual energy, fears or worries.

If we can only learn to face and transform these energies in the right way, they can become powerful stepping stones to true realisation. In fact, the Tantric principle of transformation is most powerful and meaningful when we turn to the darkness. So, instead of trying to avoid negative energies, we learn to meet them wholly.

It’s not about simply awakening negative energies but discovering the powerful influence they have on our everyday experience, and the truth and light that lies in their transformation.

You will realise that you have the power and ability to bring a chaotic state of mind back into harmony: into an experience of wholeness – and that can be the most liberating, beautiful and joyful discovery.

This retreat with Shai Tubali is an invitation to encounter all aspects of our being in deepest silence; to transform them with powerful techniques from the world of tantric enlightenment, so that the light of awakening can permeate our whole being.

Tantric Transformation


How does Tantra deal with anger, desire, dramatic changes and upheavals in life, illness and death?

Unlike other spiritual approaches, in Tantra we turn to everything, knowing that spiritual insight and truth is waiting at its heart. We know that love and compassion are in the transformation and the result. So we would not say, “Don’t be angry”, because we recognise the true potential of anger.

But for that we have to learn to understand these different negative states, and what exactly happens when they are transformed, because not everything is transformed in the same way and into the same substance. For example, if we take anger – that is an energy that is transformed into true presence, into power and into the ability to act.

We will learn how challenging aspects of human life are transformed through tantric principles and thereby become keys to spiritual liberation and realisation.


Death and its Transformation 

We live in a culture obsessed with denying death. By lacking this conscious approach, we develop great fears and nervousness about it: but we cannot understand life unless we understand death.

Spiritual enlightenment is directly related to death. For, just as attachments to memories, emotions, certain tendencies and self-perception dissolve, in other words die, in the process of spiritual transformation, so too will identification with the ego structure eventually die in spiritual awakening.

The techniques of the 6 Yogas of Naropa, such as the inner fire meditation or the clear light meditation, all eventually lead one through the process of dying and thus into spiritual rebirth – dying before you die.

At this retreat, Shai will address this aspect of this powerful system of enlightenment for the first time.

What participants of previous retreats with Shai Tubali say

The meditation retreats with Shai Tubali had been one of the greatest engines of true spiritual transformation for me, combining profound spiritual wisdom, with crystal clear guidance, imbued with depth and inspiration. Shai is a true master of spirit, and the atmosphere in the retreats is highly supportive and well thought through- it is evident that every little detail is taken into consideration, in order to create a highly transformative and empowering spiritual field. It is a haven for true seekers of truth and transformation.  
Dr. Nir Brosh M.D.

In the last two years I have participated in the Silent Retreats of Shai and can only recommend to everyone to take this great opportunity for themselves! This intense time immersed in absolute love gives everyone the opportunity to experience deep insights into themselves and to develop, in the truest sense of the word! Many thanks to Shai and his great team!
Susanne S.

After a meditation I had the gift to sink deep into the intimacy of my true essence, losing all boundaries and merging with a happiness which was so unconditional and nourishing that no words can describe it.

This Universe is unbelievable and full of miracles – and so is this retreat! 

Thank you with all of my heart for all the Love! 

Francy Schneider

The loving guidance from the level of the person through the transpersonal field towards the SELF touched me a lot.

A helping hand – yet fully open. Clearly focused and still so free.

Michael Lindenberg

I found Shai’s teachings tremendously powerful and insightful intellectually, yet simultaneously they effected me spiritually, energetically, emotionally with integrated meditations that make the experience ‘real’, ‘known’.

He teaches with heart and a pureness of intuition and intent that I have found wonderfully transformative.

Lee C.

A summer retreat with the enlightened Kundalini Master Shai Tubali is an extraordinary opportunity to merge into the essence of deep silence. To be in silence is more than calming down from the stress of our high demanding and overactive postmodern society. Beyond the psycho-somatic regeneration the subtle energetic systems are stimulated, which leads to unblocking energy blockages and enables it’s free flow from in- and outside to the body-mind-complex.

Satsang, guided meditations, body work, chiro practice, creative writing, music, dance and walks in nature etc. support this process. The summer retreat prepares every participant to a possible spiritual awakening, which has happened to me several times during the retreats. Spiritual awakening is often expressed though strong, even overwhelming feelings of love, compassion, devotion, serenity, bliss, freedom and oneness. One peak experience was merging with the abyss of divinity where oneness can be felt as an orgiastic ecstasy. For me the retreats with Shai Tubali are life changing. Life has gained a new meaning and the sense for beauty has been sharpened. A non-reversible and ongoing process of development and integration has been initiated. I just can express my gratitude and recommend to every interested person to try this wonderfully life changing opportunity. 

With love

Konstantinos Schiffmann

Last Summer I experienced already a Silent Retreat with Shai Tubali. It is a wonderful intimate journey to oneSelf. 

Bathing in Shai’s pure Energy, we are cleansing and purifying ourselves – like in a bath of Light.

 Especially his powerful Life-Force-Meditations let us experience the Unity we are – since I am sure that there are no real boundaries between us – that we  are all this flowing Life-Energy. 

Really, that gives such happiness!

In the time between the meetings with Shai, we can walk in beautiful landscapes, Yoga-exercises are proposed, Dynamic Meditation –  and last not least, we have delicious vegan food. 

So, I’m really grateful that I can participate in this new Summer-Retreat 2019, thank you to organize such beautiful events!                

Dr. Bettina Preney

The Tantric Way of Dealing with Difficulties


In the retreat you will learn:

  • How to apply the tantric principles to difficult situations and aspects of your life.
  • How to approach and deal with anger, desire, fear of anxiety, attachment, ego, dramatic changes, sickness, death and negative memories, from a tantric perspective.
  • How to meet negative and unpleasant energies and emotions fearlessly.
  • How to use powerful tantric techniques such as the inner fire meditation, clear light meditation, deity yoga and the expansion method, to transform negative energies.

For those who are familiar with these techniques, the retreat will encompass the entire tantric system leading all the way to the Mahamudra realization, or final union.



The retreat program includes:

Morning talks about the seven principles of tantric enlightenment.

Practising new and advanced tantric techniques such as the expansion method, accelerating our tantric experience by learning how to expand our experience of pleasure, expand our subtle body and expand the divine presence within us.

How to transform darkness using powerful techniques of Tantric Buddhism: inner fire meditation, deity yoga, clear light and the empty body meditation.

Evening talks where we can submit questions to clarify and further our experience.

Dynamic meditations.

Daily hatha yoga work.

Your journey is supported by the power of silence, vegan-bio health food, beautiful nature, and a deep transformative energy field.

The retreat is suitable for both beginners and those who are already familiar with tantric Buddhist techniques.

For those who are familiar with these techniques, the retreat will encompass the entire tantric system leading all the way to the Mahamudra realization, or final union.

About the venue:


Charme and Panoramic View.

In the middle of Switzerland with a view of the mountains and the lake: the seminar house Chlotisberg is located between forest and meadows. The atmosphere is personal, the organisation professional. Here you can work, brainstorm, learn new things, think laterally, rethink or switch off completely.

About the retreat leader

Shai Tubali

An international speaker, author, and spiritual teacher since 2000. A trained Yogi, with 23 years of studies in the field of Eastern thought and Yogic traditions, Shai Tubali has become one of Europe’s experts in the field of subtle bodies and, more specifically, the ancient chakra system. Based on his own direct and ongoing revelation of cosmic consciousness since the age of 23, he has guided thousands in Israel and Europe towards deeper experiences of the hidden potentials of their hearts and minds. Currently based in Berlin, he tours Europe extensively and guides seminars and retreats in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands, Croatia, Spain, and Greece. Shai is the head of the Berlin holistic center Human Greatness: a model of a holistic way of life in light of the chakras, which also introduces the many therapeutic and meditative methods he has developed.

As a prolific author since 1996, Shai has published 23 books in English, German and Hebrew, introducing not only spiritual nonfiction but also prose, poetry, and soon – academic research.  In his writings and teachings, he skillfully combines psychology, philosophy, Yogic traditions and Eastern thought and practices, into powerful processes of inner transformation. Several of his books have appeared in different languages, including Chinese, Taiwanese and Korean; some have become bestsellers and two have been awarded in book contests. He has also published numerous articles in spiritual magazines as well as academic philosophy journals. Currently, he is conducting his Ph.D. in philosophy in the field of mysticism, self- transformation,  and Western philosophy at the University of Leeds, UK


How to


for the Retreat

  • Sign the registration form.
  • Book the best room for you directly with the hotel.
  • Prepare yourself for a life-changing week.



Package includes:

Participate live on-site with vegan organic menus that are designed to support the spiritual processes. This package includes online access to all of the video-recordings.

  • Date: 26.07–02.08.2022Seven nights of full-board hospitality
  • Three meals per day: vegan, organic, energizing menu that is carefully designed to support the body’s processes.
  • Two inspiring and transformative talks per day focused on the experience of tantric enlightenment.
  • Unique tantric meditations and practices.
  • Supportive physical exercises and daily traditional yoga.
  • The opportunity to ask questions in written form throughout the retreat, so you can be supported optimally in your individual process.
  • Instruction in English or with simultaneous translation into German.
  • No prior knowledge required.


Organizational Information


26 July 2022 – 2 August 2022


The retreat begins at 18:00 with a group dinner. Arrival from 14:00.

The retreat ends on the last day at 14:00 after lunch.


There is a nearby train station, from which you can also walk to the hotel.


Chlotisberg 2, 6284 Gelfingen.
+41 41 917 33 05
info [at] chlotisberg.ch


We charge 480 Euro for our retreat program with Shai Tubali.

The price for the room and food is paid directly to the hotel. (Learn more about the different room options available on the booking page.)

After booking the retreat with us you have to contact the hotel directly to choose your preferred accommodation option.

Click here to register:

In 2018 it was the second time that I had the opportunity to join a Silence Retreat with Shai and his team. And also in 2019 I am joyfully commited to participate! Shai’s way of spiritual teaching and accompanying is a great mix of wisdom and down-to-earth learning. As a result, many experiences from the Silence Retreat outlast the everyday life. With every retreat, a piece of retreat comes home and does not fade like in many other events, where the reality of everyday life demands its supposed price. Silence,
to be with me, to have nothing to do – a luxury that actually represents no luxury, but lived energy and meaningful action. I am looking forward to my 3rd Retreat this year !!!
Petra Rosarius

I am still touched.
The retreat brought with it an immensely deep experience that was so simple and somehow impossible to express at the same time.
After an expansion meditation I went outside, lay down on a bench and looked up at the sky. The treetops above me, the sun in the sky. Tears came to me … I was very intimately connected to all this. There was almost no difference between the beautiful nature and me.
Then lunch-bell rang and I thought, “What do I need food for, I have everything, I am perfectly fulfilled, completely happy, in a very peaceful way.” It was a state of pure abundance that I had never felt so intense before.
Nathalie M.


I am not experienced/have only a little experience with meditation. Can I still go through the process?
Yes, the retreat program is built in a way that is supportive for beginners and experienced participants alike. You do not need any prior experience in order to participate, practice, and learn Shai Tubali’s unique teachings and practices. The teachings and practices will take you as far as you can go and lead you, in a soft and structured way, to your full potential of transformation at that time.
I wish to participate only partly in the retreat activities. Is that possible?
Yes, the program is divided in a way that offers essential activities and some that are possible to skip. Shai will explain at the beginning of the retreat how to work with the retreat schedule in the best way. Nonetheless, the days are built in a way that is balanced, nourishing, and enjoyable, so most participants prefer to take part in all activities throughout the retreat.
What are the accomodation arrangements?

The retreat includes full-board hospitality. We offer a variety of sleeping options in the seminar hotel. The best way would be to contact the hotel directly to find out together with them which option is most suitable for your needs. If your budget is limited, feel free to contact us to find the right option for you.

What is the meaning of 'silence' in Shai Tubali's retreats?
The summer retreat will be held in complete silence. Meaning that after the first talk, we will completely avoid speaking until the last day. We recommend also avoiding other distracting activities, such as internet surfing, social media activity or other communications, and allowing yourself to deeply merge with the quietude that the retreat offers you—far away from daily stress and over-stimulation.
I don't speak english, can I still join?
Yes! The retreat will be guided in English, but we offer live German translation for anyone who is interested in that through personal high quality receivers and headphones. You can choose to listen in English, German, or both.
How can I register?

Our registration process is easy and friendly. Please register here online, send us an email or call us during office hours – 09:00-14:00 or 16:00-18:00 – and we will gladly send you a detailed registration form.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Carlos Stickel | Organization Team

+49 178 5175 114 | c.stickel@human-greatness.com

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