Während des Retreats erhielten wir wunderbares Feedback, wie zum Beispiel dieses:
„Liebster Shai und alle anderen. Mir fehlen die Worte, um meine Dankbarkeit und den Segen auszudrücken, den ich empfinde. Es war, als säße man gemeinsam mit der göttlichen Flamme der Wahrheit und Liebe im Tempel. Konfrontierend und beruhigend zugleich. Besonders berührt hat mich die „Auferstehung“ des kindlichen Raums, der das Tor zu Jesus und zum Göttlichen öffnet – sowohl das echte Kind in mir, das seit meiner Kindheit eine Liebesbeziehung zu Jesus hat, als auch der kindliche Zustand, der das Herz öffnet und euch alle einfach liebt!“
Authentische gemeinsame Erfahrungen von Teilnehmern unterstützen unsere Arbeit sehr. Aus diesem Grund werden die Erfahrungen und Ereignisse in den Exerzitien zugänglicher.
Und das bringt mich zu meiner Bitte:
Es wäre toll, wenn ihr euch zwei Minuten Zeit nehmen könntet, um uns eine kurze Stellungnahme zu eurer Exerzitienerfahrung zu schreiben. Wenn ihr das tut, können wir sie mit eurem Namen und, wenn ihr einverstanden seid, auch mit eurem Foto auf unserer Website verwenden, wenn wir euch zu zukünftigen Exerzitien einladen.
Dein Testimonial & Feedback
Testimonials von vergangenen Retreat-Teilnehmer*innen
Amy Elizabeth Fox
Chief Executive Officer, Mobius Executive Leadership
"Dr. Shai Tubali is one of the great master teachers of our generation."
Liliane Meier
Yoga Teacher
"My personal transformation process was an immense opening to the inner source."
„My personal transformation process was an immense opening to the inner source.
This connectedness, from which I can draw at any time in order to give, is probably the most sacred thing I have realised. I have experienced so much peace in my being that emotions no longer take up so much space. I react much more calmly and clearly when a storm breaks in from the outside. Decisions are no longer based on offended ego, but in compassion and peace.
I would definitely recommend this training. This training is key and there is probably no one who could not use this kind of healing. Especially now in this time when there is a global awakening going on.“
Dr. Nir Brosh
Medical Doctor, Meditation Teacher
"It is a haven for true seekers of truth and transformation."
„The meditation retreats and seminars with Shai Tubali had been one of the greatest engines of true spiritual transformation for me, combining profound spiritual wisdom, with crystal clear guidance, imbued with depth and inspiration. Shai is a true master of spirit, and the atmosphere in the retreats is highly supportive and well thought through- it is evident that every little detail is taken into consideration, in order to create a highly transformative and empowering spiritual field. It is a haven for true seekers of truth and transformation.“
Dr. Bettina Preney
"It is a wonderful intimate journey to one' Self. "
Last Summer I experienced already a Silent Retreat with Shai Tubali. It is a wonderful intimate journey to one‘ Self.
Bathing in Shai’s pure Energy, we are cleansing and purifying ourselves – like in a bath of Light.
Especially his powerful Life-Force-Meditations let us experience the Unity we are – since I am sure that there are no real boundaries between us – that we are all this flowing Life-Energy.
Really, that gives such happiness!
In the time between the meetings with Shai, we can walk in beautiful landscapes, Yoga-exercises are proposed, Dynamic Meditation – and last not least, we have delicious vegan food.
So, I’m really grateful that I can participate in this new Retreat 2023, thank you for organizing such beautiful events!
Franziska Schneider
"This Universe is unbelievable and full of miracles – and so is this seminar! "
„After a meditation I had the gift to sink deep into the intimacy of my true essence, losing all boundaries and merging with a happiness which was so unconditional and nourishing that no words can describe it.
This Universe is unbelievable and full of miracles – and so is this seminar!
Thank you with all of my heart for all the Love!“
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